Somethings hidden in a jumble of letters and its up to you to figure out what it is! Cant find it? Dont worry, this is 4 Clues, 1 Answer, youve got four clues on your side to help figure out what youre looking for. Cant figure out how your clues are linked to your answer? NO PROBLEM! Youve got the ability to ZAP away some extra letters and get a HINT on what letters to use. Every puzzles earns coins which can be used to buy a fresh supply of zaps or hints.
With over 400 puzzles, theres plenty of fun to share with your friends! Reach out to Facebook and Twitter friends in-game to get help on a puzzle youre stumped on, or help friends with theirs.
Theres no time commitments! 4 Clues, 1 Answer is ready to play when you are and can be stopped whenever you need to, no checkpoints, no lost progress.